Join 2.0 is out! Download it from Google Play right now!
Here are some highlights for this major release:
Join Actions
You can create your own Actions with custom name, icon and functionality! These actions can then be used in a variety of places:
- Quick Setting Tiles
- App Shortcuts (Long Press Join icon in Launcher)
- Home Screen Shortcuts
- Share Targets
- Notification Buttons
- Tasker Actions
- Chrome Extension
To learn more about Join actions check out the guide here.
It’s now possible to trigger any of the hundreds of services in IFTTT, from anywhere, via Join!
Check out some use cases that are now possible:
- Create a notification with, “Forward by email” and “Create Task” buttons that send an email or create a task with reminding you to get back to it later
- Have a handy shortcut in your Chrome browser to toggle your office’s lights
- Share a post from your favorite reddit app directly to your facebook feed with no extra interaction
- quickly send a tweet by voice by touching a home screen shortcut
- Automatically start your dryer when you get home
- Send a telegram message when you get in your car after work
The possibilities are endless! 🙂
Learn all about IFTTT in Join here.
Node-RED is a mega-powerful automation tool for your PC. It works on any Mac, Windows or Linux machine so anyone can install it!
With Node-RED you setup automation flows, connecting nodes to each other. Think of it as Tasker for your PC.
NotEnoughTech has a great deal of Node-RED tutorials for you to get started so head on over there!
Learn all about Node-RED in Join here.
Open Protocol IP Devices
Node-RED is an IP device in Join. This means that Join can communicate directly with it through your local network, or via the Chrome Extension from any network.
Like it, anyone can now create IP devices for Join which can work on any system. Check out the source code for the Node-RED Join component to get started.
Let me know if you’re interested in creating a new Join IP Device and if you need any help with the protocol and I’ll be happy to help! 🙂
Join now allows you to backup and restore your settings so you’ll have an easier time moving from one device to another.
You can comment on this release here. Enjoy! 🙂