Basic Concepts
- AutoApps variables always start with 2 letters which are the initials of the app in question. For example, AutoRemote variables always start with “ar” and AutoLaunch variables with “al”. This is not the case for AutoAlarm, for historical reasons.
- Variables that have () after their name are arrays. An array is a list of values. You can access items on that list with %array1, %array2, %array3 etc. Find out more about Tasker arrays here.
- AutoApps variables can be created in 2 places:
- Plugin conditions
- Plugin actions
- Variables are only available:
- For Plugin conditions in the Entry Task of the profile (not in the Exit Task)
- For Plugin actions, in all the actions following the AutoApp action
- You can see all these variables in Tasker. Near a text input field, there’s always this icon:
If you click it, you’ll see the relevant variables.
AutoBarcode (uses AutoApps Command System)(can be changed)
‘AutoBarcode’ condition
- %abmessage: whole barcode that was read
- %abpar(): array with all the parameters at the left of =:=
- %abcomm: all the words at the right of =:= (if only one =:= is present)
- %abcomm(): array with all the phrases after the first =:= (if more that one =:= is present)
AutoRemote (uses AutoApps Command System)(some can be changed)
‘AutoRemote’ condition
- %armessage: whole message that was received
- %arpar(): array with all the parameters at the left of =:=
- %arcomm: all the words at the right of =:= (if only one =:= is present)
- %arcomm(): array with all the phrases after the first =:= (if more that one =:= is present)
- %arfiles(): array with all the files that may have been received with the message
- %arsenderbtmac: Bluetoot Mac Address of the device that sent the message
- %arsenderid: AutoRemote ID (personal key on Android devices, some other string on other devices) of the device that sent the message
- %arsenderlocalip: Local IP of the device that sent the message
- %arsendername: Name of the device that sent the message
- %arsenderpublicip: Public IP of the device that sent the message
- %arsendertype: Type of the device that sent the message (Android, EventGhost, Linux, Zapier, etc)
- %arvia: Way the message was sent to this device (BT, Wifi or GCM)
‘AutoAlarm’ condition or action
- %milis: Miliseconds to next alarm
- %seconds: Seconds to next alarm
- %minutes: Minutes to next alarm
- %hours: Hours to next alarm
- %days: Days to next alarm
- %secondsc: Cumulative Seconds to next alarm
- %minutesc: Cumulative Minutes to next alarm
- %hoursc: Cumulative Hours to next alarm
- %daysc: Cumulative Days to next alarm
- %day: Day of the month alarm will go off
- %month: Month alarm will go off
- %year: Year alarm will go off
- %hour: Hour alarm will go off
- %minute: Minute alarm will go off
- %second: Second alarm will go off
- %dayname: Name of the day the alarm will go off
- %shortdayname: Short Name of the day the alarm will go off
- %dayweek: Day of the Week
- %error: Error that might have occurred
- %raw: Raw next alarm variable gotten from Android
‘AutoShare’ condition
- %ascommand: Selected command if the ‘AutoShare Command’ was used in the Share menu
- %asfile(): Array that contains the files that were eventually shared
- %assender: Package name of the App where the Share originated from
- %assubject: Subject that was shared
- %astext: Text that was shared
‘AutoShare’ action
- %asdata (if an intent has a result): Data returned from the called intent
- %aspackage: (if an intent has more than one possible app to be used in): The package of the selected app in the app picker
- various variables depending on the intent used. Intents available here.
AutoNotification (uses AutoApps Command System)
‘AutoNotification Intercept’ condition
- %anapp: App name
- %antitle: Title
- %antext: Text
- %anticker: Ticker Text
- %antitlebig (KitKat+ only): Title When Expaded
- %anicon (KitKat+ only): Icon
- %anbigicon (KitKat+ only): Icon When Expanded
- %anpicture (KitKat+ only): Picture
- %anstatusbaricon (KitKat+ only): Status Bar Icon
- %ansubtext (KitKat+ only): SubText
- %ansummarytext (KitKat+ only): Summary Text
- %aninfotext (KitKat+ only): Info Text
- %antextlines (KitKat+ only): Text Lines
- %anbutton1text (KitKat+ only): Button 1 Text
- %anbutton1icon (KitKat+ only): Button 1 Icon
- %anbutton1action (KitKat+ only): Action Button 1 (Use with AutoNotification Actions)
- %anbutton2text (KitKat+ only): Button 2 Text
- %anbutton2icon (KitKat+ only): Button 2 Icon
- %anbutton2action (KitKat+ only): Action Button 2 (Use with AutoNotification Actions)
- %anbutton3text (KitKat+ only): Button 3 Text
- %anbutton3icon (KitKat+ only): Button 3 Icon
- %anbutton3action (KitKat+ only): Action Button 3 (Use with AutoNotification Actions)
- %antexts: Texts
- %antextsbig: Texts When Expanded
- %animages: Images
- %animagesbig: Images When Expanded
- %antouchaction: Action On Touch Id (Use with AutoNotification Actions)
- %andismissaction: Action On Dismiss Id (Use with AutoNotification Actions)
- %anpeople (KitKat+ only): People
- %anprogress (KitKat+ only): Progress
- %anprogressindeterminate (KitKat+ only): Progress Indeterminate
- %anprogressmax (KitKat+ only): Progress Max
- %anshowchronometer (KitKat+ only): Show Chronometer
- %anwhen (KitKat+ only): Show When
- %anstatus: Cancelled Or Created
- %antag: Tag
- %anpackage: Package Name
- %anid: Id
- %anstatusbaricon: Status Bar Icon
‘AutoNotification’ condition
- %anmessage: whole action
- %anpar(): array with all the parameters at the left of =:=
- %ancomm: all the words at the right of =:= (if only one =:= is present)
- %anbcomm(): array with all the phrases after the first =:= (if more that one =:= is present)
‘AutoVoice Recognized’ condition
- %avcomms(): array with all the possible recognized voice commands
- %avcommsnofilter(): array with all the possible recognized voice commands but without the command filter you set in the profile
- %avcomm: first possible voice command that was recognized
- %acommnofilter: first possible voice command but without the command filter you set in the profile
- %avsource: Source of the voice command. Can be ‘normal’, ‘continuous’, ‘test’ or ‘googlenow’
- %avword(): array with all the words of the first command that was recognized
‘AutoVoice No Match’ condition
- %avcomms(): array with all the possible recognized voice commands
‘AutoLocation Activities’ condition
- %alactivity: detected activity code
- %alactivitydesc: description of the detected activity
- %activityconf: confidence from 1 to 100 that the detected activity is correct
‘AutoLocation Geofences’ condition
- %algeofence: Name of the Geofence that was entered or exited
‘AutoLocation Location’ condition
- %alaccuracy: Accuracy in meter of the detected location
- %alprovider: Provider of the detected location. Is usually ‘fused’
- %alaltitude: Detected Altitude
- %albearing: Detected Bearing. Is only available when using the location monitor in High-Accuracy mode.
- %allatitude: Detected Latitude
- %allongitude: Detected Longitude
- %alspeed: Detected Speed. Is only available when using the location monitor in High-Accuracy mode.
- %altime: Time when this location was detected.
- %altrackingdata: Location Tracking data. This is a json string that can be easily shared with other people. use in the “AutoLocation Mock Locations” Tasker action.
‘AutoLocation Info’ action
- Calculating Distance:
- %aldistance: Distance in meters between the 2 points
- %aldistancekm: Distance in kilometers between the 2 points
- %aldistancemiles: Distance in miles between the 2 points
- Address Lookup:
- %aladdresses(): Looked up Addresses
- %aladminAreas(): Administrative Area name i.e. “CA”
- %alcountryCodes(): Country code i.e. “US”
- %alcountryNames(): Country Name of the address, for example “Iceland”
- %alfeatureNames(): Feature Name i.e. “Golden Gate Bridge”
- %allocalities(): Locality of the address, for example “Mountain View”
- %alphones(): Phone number of if known
- %alpostalCodes(): Postal Code of the address, for example “94110”
- %alpremises(): Premises
- %alsubAdminAreas(): Sub-administrative Area Name i.e. “Santa Clara County”
- %alsubLocalitys(): Sub-Locality
- %alsubThoroughfares(): Sub-Thoroughfare Name
- %althoroughfares(): Thoroughfare Name i.e. “1600 Ampitheater Parkway”
- %alurls(): Public URL if known
- Coordinates Lookup
- %alcoordenatelatitudes(): possible latitudes for the searched locations
- %alcoordenatelongitudes(): possible longitudes for the searched locations (%alcoordenatelongitudes1 corresponds to %alcoordenatelatitudes1, %alcoordenatelongitudes2 corresponds to %alcoordenatelatitudes2, etc)
- Points of Interest
- %alpoinames: POI Names
- %alpoilatitudes: POI Latitudes
- %alpoilongitudes: POI Longitudes
- %alpoitypes: POI Types
- Geofence Lookup
- %allatitude: Geofence Latitude
- %allongitude: Geofence Longitude
- Geofence Statuses
- %algeofences(): Geofence Names
- %aldistances(): Distances to Geofences
- %alstatuses(): Geofence Statuses
- %alstatusesdesc(): Geofence Status Descriptions
‘AutoLaunch Query’ action
- %allabels(): Names of the found apps
- %alpackages(): Package names of the found apps
- %alicons(): Icons for each of the found app
‘AutoVera Status Update’ condition
- %avdeviceid: Device ID of the device that originated the Status update
- %avoldstatus: Old Status, which is the status the device had before this update
- %avnewstatus: New Status
- %avdevicename: Device Name of the device that originated the Status update
- %avdevicenickname: Device Nickname of the device that originated the Status update
- %avservice: Service ID that had the status update
- %avvariable: Name of the variable that was changed
‘AutoVera Device Info’ and ‘AutoVera Scene Info’
- %avnames(): Names of the devices that were requested
- %avnumber(): Numbers of the devices that were requested
- %avrooms(): Room numbers of where each of the requested device is in
- %avroomnames(): Room names of where each of the requested device is in
- There are lots of other variables available depending on the devices that were requested. Please check inside Tasker itself.
‘AutoContacts’ action:
- %acnames(): Names
- %acid: Id
- %achangouturi: Hangout Uri (Use with Tasker Browse Action)
- %acvideohangouturi: Video Hangout Uri (Use with Tasker Browse Action)
- %acname: Name
- %acnickname: Nickname
- %acnumber: Phone Number
- %acnumbertype: Phone Number Type
- %acemail: Email Address
- %acemailtype: Email Address Type
- %acaddress: Address
- %acevent: Event
- %aceventnext: Next Date Event Happens
- %aceventtype: Event Type
- %acdayssinceevent: Days Since Event
- %acmonthssinceevent: Months Since Event
- %acyearssinceevent: Years Since Event
- %acdayssinceeventc: Days Since Event Cummulative
- %acmonthssinceeventc: Months Since Event Cummulative
- %acyearssinceeventc: Years Since Event Cummulative
- %acdaystoevent: Days To Next Event
- %acmonthstoevent: Months To Next Event
- %acyearstoevent: Years To Next Event
- %acdaystoeventc: Days To Next Event Cummulative
- %acmonthstoeventc: Months To Next Event Cummulative
- %acyearstoeventc: Years To Next Event Cummulative
- %aceventday: Day of Event
- %aceventmonth: Month of Event
- %aceventmonthname: Month Name of Event
- %aceventyear: Year of Event
- %aceventweekday: Weekday of Event
- %aceventweekdayname: Weekday Name of Event
- %aceventweekdayshortname: Weekday Short Name of Event
- %acwebsite: Website
- %acnicknames(): Nicknames
- %acnumbers(): First Phone Numbers
- %acallnumbers(): All Phone Numbers
- %acallnumbertypes(): All Phone Number Types
- %acemails(): First Email addresses
- %acallemails(): All Email Addresses
- %acallemailtypes(): All Email Address Types
- %acallevents(): All Events
- %acalleventtypes(): All Event Types
- %acstreets(): Address Streets
- %accities(): Address Cities
- %acregions(): Address Regions
- %acpostcodes(): Address Postcodes
- %accountries(): Address Countries
- %acaddresses(): Addresses
- %acevents(): First Events
- %aceventtypes: First Event Types
- %acids(): Ids
- %acnumbertypes(): First Phone Number Types
- %acemailtypes(): First Email Types
- %acwebsites(): Websites
‘AutoContacts Details’ action
- Picture
- %acpicturefile: Path of file that contains the contact picture
- Number From URI
- %phonefromuri: Phone number from the Phone From URI option
‘AutoPebble’ condition
- %apmessage: whole command that was sent
- %appar(): array with all the parameters at the left of =:=
- %apcomm: all the words at the right of =:= (if only one =:= is present)
- %apcomm(): array with all the phrases after the first =:= (if more that one =:= is present)
‘AutoPebble Other App’ condition
- %apuuid: Other App UUID
- %apname: Other App Name
- %apkeys(): Other App Command keys
- %apvalues(): Other App Command Values
- %aptypes(): Other App Command Types
- %apdirection: Command Direction (‘WatchToPhone’ or ‘PhoneToWatch’)
‘AutoPebble App’ condition
- %apstatus: Code of the status that triggered the condition
- %apstatusdesc: Description of the status that triggered the condition