Very important: AutoRemote Desktop app is discontinued.
Please use the EventGhost plugin from now on. You can still use the AutoRemote Desktop app, but will not be supported nor receive any future updates. EventGhost is better in every way, so no need to support 2 apps. If you want to continue using the windows app please disable the EventGhost updating as it will break the latest version.
I hope you understand.
Download AutoRemote Desktop for Windows here!
If you would like to implement an AutoRemote client on another platform (mac, linux, iOS, Windows Phone), you can contact me at our forum, Facebook or Google+ page, or drop me an email. I’ll describe the simple API so you can easily implement it.
Quick Start
Try this first so you can understand how AutoRemote Dektop works. We’re going to make a “Find my phone” AutoRemote app!
- Open AutoRemote Desktop.
- First, add your device(s). Click the “Add” button.
- Name your device and enter its personal URL.
- After it is done, if you go to AutoRemote on your Android device and navigate to the Registered Devices screen, you will see your PC show up there.
- Now switch to the Rules tab and press “Add”.
- In the name write “Show Location” and in the Filter write “location=:=”. We are thus creating a rule for all received messages containg the string “location=:=”. Click the “Add” button under “Actions”.
- In the “Command” field write “”. This is letting AutoRemote know that when a message with “location=:=” is received, this google maps URL will be opened with anything that’s on the right side of “=:=”. So, if you receive “location=:=23.3232,42.2332”, a map centered on those coordinates will open.
- Now open Tasker on your Android Device and add a new Task with the name “Send Location”. Choose the Plugin->AutoRemote Messagea action
- In the Message field write “location=:=%LOCN”. This will send “location=:=” followed by your last know Network Location.
- Press the back button, accept the AutoRemote settings and press the play button in Tasker. AutoRemote Desktop should now receive your location and open google maps!
- If AutoRemote Desktop doesn’t receive a message, please check your Windows firewall and follow the instructions below.
- If you still can’t get it to work, you can go the Dropbox way. In AutoRemote on your device go to the Registered Devices screen and register for dropbox integration. If you don’t have dropbox installed on your PC, you can get it here.
- Dropbox is very reliable and it is very likely to always work, so if you can’t go direct, go Dropbox!
- Any questions/bugs, just drop by our forum, Facebook or Google+ page, or drop me an email.
Configuring your firewall
Configure your Firewall to open the TCP port you use with AutoRemote Desktop. The images below show you how to do that on Windows 7.