EventGhost Plugin – Getting Started


EventGhost is like Tasker for the PC. It lets you automate many many things.

The EventGhost plugin can send and receive messages to and from your phone. What this does is it lets you make your PC and phone work in tandem, and react to situations only one or the other knows about.

So, for instance, when I log in to my PC at work, my phone goes into silence mode. Or when I arrive home and connect to my Wifi connection, my favourite song starts playing on my PC.

Download EventGhost here.

Setting up EventGhost with AutoRemote:

  • Install the EventGhost plugin as described here.
  • Open or restart EventGhost
  • If you want to start fresh (which is recommended), select File->New.
  • Click the “Add Plugin…” button at the top
  • Pick “AutoRemote” from the “Other” category
  • Enter the port (the 1818 default should be fine im most cases) and the name you want to give your EventGhost instance (the name will appear as the device name in the Android app).
  • Add all your Android devices: for each one, enter its name (any name you want) and its personal Key. Note: you need to insert your full personal key, not your URL. Check out how to get it here.
  • After all devices are added, press OK.
  • Click on the newly added “Plugin: AutoRemote” item in the Autostart node. Click “Add Action…” at the top.
  • Choose “Register EventGhost” from the “AutoRemote” category. A registration is letting your device know that EventGhost is now available to receive commands. This will create or refresh the EventGhost “device” on your Android device.
  • Choose the device you want to register EventGhost on.
  • Click “Test” to register EventGhost on your device now then click OK.
  • In AutoRemote on your device now go to the “Devices” screen. You should see your EventGhost “device” there.
  • Now let’s try sending a message to your Android device when logging in to Windows. Press Windows key+L and then log in again. You’ll notice that on EventGhost’s left pane 2 new events appeared: “System.SessionLock” and “System.SessionUnLock”
  • Click the “Add Macro” button at the top and then the “Send Message” action under the “AutoRemote” category
  • Choose one of your devices and on the message field type “Hello!”. Click OK.
  • Now, from the left pane, drag the “System.SessionLock” on to the newly created AutoRemote action. Make sure the event is above the AutoRemote action. This tells EventGhost that it should message “Hello!” to your device whenever you log in to your system.
  • Go to your Android device and open the AutoRemote logs.
  • Now log out and then in again in Windows and after a few seconds, a “Hello!” message should appear in your AutoRemote logs!
  • In AutoRemote on your device now go to the “Devices” screen. You should see your EventGhost “device” there. Click on it and send a message to it like you would normally do to any other device. A new event in EventGhost’s left pane should now appear! You can use this event for anything you want!
  • If you use AutoRemote’s command system in a message sent to EventGhost, all your parameters (words to the left of =:=) will be available to use in other EventGhost actions. Use {eg.event.payload.arpar[0]}, {eg.event.payload.arpar[1]}, etc to access them. To access your command (phrase on the right of =:=) use {eg.event.payload.arcomm}.
  • If you can’t get EventGhost to receive your messages, follow this video:
  • Now experiment! Combine AutoRemote received and sent messages with anything you want in EventGhost and take automation to a whole other level!
  • Any questions/bugs, just drop by our forum or Google+ page, or drop me an email.

Check out some AutoRemote EventGhost Tips and Tricks here.