How to easily integrate your favourite app with Tasker:
- Find possible intents for the app (look on developer websites or contact them directly)
- Fill in all the relevant fields on this page
- Import your intent in AutoShare
- Use your intent in Tasker with the AutoShare action. Easy Tasker integration in under 5 minutes!
Developers, want easy Tasker integration for your users? Check here
Intent Properties
Generated Intent
Put text below in a file with the .intent extension and import it in AutoShare, or import the text directly
AutoShare Intents for Developers
If you are a developer and want to add Tasker integration to your app easily and quickly, simply create an intent in your app that allows you to do any kind of functionality (see how Evernote did it for example). Then simply fill out the form above with your intent and all the necessary code will be generated below.
AutoShare for Developers Video
Generated Code
Add permission to manifest:
<permission android:name="com.joaomgcd.permission.CREATE_AUTOSHARE_INTENT" android:label="Allows apps to create AutoShare Intents" android:protectionLevel="normal" />
And use the permission
<uses-permission android:name="com.joaomgcd.permission.CREATE_AUTOSHARE_INTENT" />
Use code below to create intent in AutoShare