AutoTools JSON Write

Write a JSON data structure


Pass unlimited number of parameters between tasks independently of order
Create a Read Later list JSON database

Json Input

If you have some already existing JSON data, you can add to it using this option. All operations will be done on top of this instead of on blank JSON data


In this action you'll write multiple values in some fields. Use this separator to separate those values. Remember, if you change this separator you need to change it in every field where you write multiple values.

Simple Values

Use this to write simple values at the root of the JSON data. For example, if you set Json Keys to name,age and Json Values to John,17 you'll end up with a JSON structure like this:
{ "name": "John", "age": "17" }


Simple Adding
Use this to write simple arrays at the root of the JSON data. For example, if you set Add to Array Key to cars and Json Values to Mercedes,Fiat,Ford you'll end up with a JSON structure like this:
{ "cars": [ "Mercedes", "Fiat", "Ford" ] }
Multiple Array Adding
If you set you'll end up with a JSON structure like this:
{ "cars": [ { "brand": "Mercedes", "model": "GLC", "year": "2015" }, { "brand": "Fiat", "model": "500", "year": "1999" }, { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Focus", "year": "2004" } ] }
As you can see it's very easy to convert multiple Tasker arrays to a complex JSON data structure


In this action you can update existing JSON values. You have to provide the Json Input field with some existing data. For example, if you want to update the existing cars structure above and update the year on the Ford car to 2016 you would set:


In this action you can delete existing JSON values. You have to provide the Json Input field with some existing data. For example, if you want to update the existing cars structure above and delete the Fiat car you would set:


If you want to make the JSON structure easier to read enable this option. Be aware that it'll add more white charaters to the text so it'll take up a bit more space.