AutoTools Connectivity

This allows you get info and act on a bunch of connectivity related stuff.


Connect to the Best Avaialble Wifi Network
Force connection to wifi network while at work even if phone tries to connect to other networks

Check Internet

Will attempt to connect to with a 2 second timeout. If it can connect in that time %atinternet will contain true. It'll contain false otherwise.


Allows you to get info on your paired bluetooth devices. These devices don't need to be connected at the time of the check.
Results will be returned in the %atbluetoothdevices variable in JSON format. You can use the AutoTools JSON Read action to read these results if needed.
This is an example of the contents of %atbluetoothdevices:
{ "bluetoothresults": [ { "address": "99:99:99:99:99:99", "connected": false, "name": "Something something" }, { "address": "99:99:99:99:99:99", "connected": false, "name": "HC-05" }, { "address": "99:99:99:99:99:99", "connected": false, "name": "G4" } ] }


Allows you to do stuff related to Wifi networks
Check Wifi Networks
Allows you to get info on nearby wifi networks.
On most modern devices your location settings need to be enabled for this to work, so if it doesn't enable location monitoring in the Android Settings and try again.
Results will be returned in the %atwifinetworks variable in JSON format. You can use the AutoTools JSON Read action to read these results if needed.
This is an example of the contents of %atwifinetworks:
{ "wifis": [ { "bandwidth": "40", "capabilities": [ "WPA-PSK-CCMP", "WPA2-PSK-CCMP", "WPS", "ESS" ], "channel": 4, "distanceCm": -1, "distanceErrorCm": -1, "frequency": 2427, "level": -37, "mac": "99:99:99:99:99", "numConnection": 0, "seen": 1474904524890, "ssid": "Super Network", "untrusted": false }, { "bandwidth": "20", "capabilities": [ "WPA-PSK-TKIP", "WPA2-PSK-CCMP", "WPS", "ESS" ], "channel": 11, "distanceCm": -1, "distanceErrorCm": -1, "frequency": 2462, "level": -76, "mac": "99:99:99:99:99", "numConnection": 0, "seen": 1474904524892, "ssid": "Super Duper Network", "untrusted": true } ] }
Allows you to force connection to a wifi network of your choice by speficifying its name. Will do nothing if left blank.


Allows you to get information about connected USB devices.
Results will be returned in the %atusbdevices variable in JSON format. You can use the AutoTools JSON Read action to read these results if needed.
This is an example of the contents of %atusbdevices:
{ "usbs": [ { "class": 0, "id": 0, "manufacturer": "BLUE MICROPHONE", "name": "/dev/bus/usb/003/003", "productid": 5, "protocol": 0, "serialNumber": "201306", "subclass": 0, "vendorid": 3468 }, { "class": 0, "id": 0, "manufacturer": "Qualcomm, Incorporated", "name": "/dev/bus/usb/001/002", "productid": 37028, "protocol": 0, "subclass": 0, "vendorid": 1478 } ] }